Does the Hotel offer free Wi-Fi?
Do you have young children?
Does the Hotel provide a concierge service?
What are the best times of year to travel to this location?
What travel documents do I need to carry with me?
Will you do outside excursions & activities?
What activities can you recommend while I'm on vacation?
Anything else?
Does the hotel offer a car, motorbike and bicycle rental service?
Does the hotel provide a port/airport transfer service?
How far is the hotel from the airport and the port of Athinios?
Is there a bus connecting the hotel?
Does the hotel allow pets?
Does the hotel accept walk-in customers?
Is there a restaurant operating in the hotel?
What credit cards do we accept?
Have you ever tasted Aegean Sea Food?
Have you ever experienced Mediterranean Cuisine?
Does the pool have a bar?
Why Tholos Resort?
What is unique about our hotel?
What kind of wedding arrangements do you provide?
Why so many couples are choosing to have their wedding in Santorini?
What other kind of arrangements do you offer for us?